Monday, July 31, 2000
Friday, July 28, 2000
Thursday, July 27, 2000
Wednesday, July 26, 2000
Tuesday, July 25, 2000
Whee. 10 minutes under the wire. Fortunately, tomorrow's comic is prettymuch written - I may finish it before I go to bed, and actually have one in the can. I don't know about everyone else, but I'll be a bunch happier when I don't have to strap myself in every single night to do this.
In other news, if you've not seen Starship Troopers, yet, it's worth it if you've got a good group of friends to make fun of it with. Oh, and yesterday I cracked the 600 mark, in terms of visits to the main page that didn't come from me, personal friends, or inktomi. I'd really like to think that one day, I'll have a readership. It's a funny feeling, knowing that I've had as many visitors in my first month as some comics do the last day of their first month. I'm not actually this self-pitying, really, just a little melancholy. I really need to figure out how I want to promote this thing.
Monday, July 24, 2000
Friday, July 21, 2000
Thursday, July 20, 2000
As if the quality hadn't slipped far enough already... I'm going to be even busier than normal over the next 5 weeks. Consider this fair warning that you may not see a freshly drawn panel until sometime in August. (I doubt it will be that bad, but if that's what happens, you'll know why.)
The good news is, I'm actually starting to derive great joy from writing the comic every day. Something about finishing the 10th strip, I guess, but I'm actually excited about the direction I'm heading. Well, that, and cherries are in season.
Oh, yeah - I didn't get to bed last night, on account of the desk. But now the desk is together, and it's lovely. Yay.
Wednesday, July 19, 2000
Tuesday, July 18, 2000
I realised one of the really cool things about my phenomenally low readership. I can actually go through and look at the IP address of each and every person who visits my site. Not that I would, of course - I collect that data for aggregate use only, and it's really just depressing seeing each and every one of the 150 visits from * that seem to make up about half the traffic to my site. I guess it might be neat to try stalking people who visit, though - track their visits, try to figure out their e-mail address, and send them e-mails asking them why they don't visit more often.
I just found out about the junior hockey beating death that occurred last week. That's really just so surreal, but like many articles have pointed out, the really shocking thing is how surprising we find this. The USA certainly has a violent society, and I cannot imagine this is the first fist-fight that has broken out over youth sport, here. I think it's just a testament to how difficult it really is to beat someone to death that this is the first such incidence. This isn't a comment on this case, so much, but I really wonder how you beat someone to death in self-defence. It seems like we have two quantities we're looking at - the number of punches necessary for "stop hitting me" and the number of punches necessary for "fall unconscious and later die, despite prompt medical treatment." In order to beat someone to death in self-defence, it seems like the difference between those numbers has to be close to 0. I guess there's flukes... Well, anyway, I'm glad my dad never died at any of my little league baseball practices.
It's clear now that although virtually everything I do on a computer happens better when I'm listening to rap, lettering gets much, much worse. Panel 3 today was lettered in silence, 1 and 2 were lettered while listening to some of the selections from the Monsters of Rap collection which are actually rap. (Straight Outta Compton was at work.)
Monday, July 17, 2000
Not that I expect anyone to actually stumble upon it, but I've finally started a log section. I find that, for the comics I really enjoy, I especially enjoy when the artist presents brief ramblings with each days comics. It'll be a while before I figure out how I want to organize this page.
Unfortunately, although I'm getting better at actually producing art for the comics, I'm not getting better at coming up with dedication. I promised myself I'd get at least one full strip done over the weekend, so I could be a strip ahead this week. Naturally, I failed. If I can ever get a full week in the can, I may start putting up Saturday and Sunday strips.
I can't wait to finish off this storyline. I got off to such a slow start, now I've been working on one storyline for fully a month, and I'm really quite tired of it. Then again, even if I'd been going full-speed, I'd be midway through my third week right now. I think I see why Sluggy does massive Sunday strips.
It's kind of frustrating, the way focusing on long storylines is making it difficult to do any throwaway comics about current events. I'm sure I'm the only one who's bugged.
I'm still trying to decide if I want to solicit other online comic authors for linkage. Bleah.
