2139 Buckingham Road Richardson, TX 75081 (214)907-1055
Pho has been appreciated for its taste and at the same time, appreciated as a wholesome, nutritious meal. It has all the qualities a health-conscious eater would look for: fresh, natural and... always delicious!
To appreciate Pho requires more than just loving to eat it, one would need to "know" everything about its preparation. What makes authentic Pho so stimulating is quite simple: long hours of simmering the choicest beef produces a broth that maintains its full and rich flavor, which is delicately seasoned with seven different types of natural spices to give an aroma and taste that can only be described as....... irresistible!
Pho provides a delicious one-dish meal for your breakfast, lunch, or even dinner. You will be served a bowl of light-bodied broth ladled over your choice of beef, accompanied by fresh rice noodle and garnished with coriander and onions. Basil leaves, bean sprouts and green peppers are optional to your liking.
One Pho Cong Ly customer, who also happens to be a food critic, has said: "... enjoying a bowl of Pho produces a smug feeling of having partaken of something as healthy as it is delicious ...".
At Pho Cong Ly, you won't just enjoy this consistent flavor that our chain always strives to preserve; you will actually experience how Pho should taste ... at its best!
Why don't you judge it for yourself?
Enjoy your meal!
1. Pho Tai (Noodle soup with eye round steak.) [It gets no more basic than this. This is all the Pho I've tried, so far, and it's good.]
2. Pho Tai, Chin Nac (Noodle soup with eye round steak and well-done brisket.)
3. Pho Tai, Bo Vien (Noodle soup with eye round steak and meat balls.)
4. Pho Bo Vien (Noodle soup with meat balls only.)
5. Pho Tai, Nam (Noodle soup with eye round steak and well done flank.)
6. Pho Tai, Gau (Noodle soup with eye round steak and fat brisket.)
7. Pho Tai, Sach (Noodle soup with eye round steak and bible tripe.)
8. Pho Tai, Nam, Gau (Noodle soup with eye round steak, well-done flank and fat brisket.)
9. Pho Tai, Nam, Sach (Noodle soup with eye round steak, well-done flank and bible tripe.)
10. Pho Tai, Nam, Gan (Noodle soup with eye round steak, well-done flank and soft tendon.)
11. Pho Tai, Gau, Gan (Noodle soup with eye round steak, fat brisket and soft tendon.)
12. Pho Tai, Gau, Sach (Noodle soup with eye round steak, fat brisket and bible tripe.)
13. Pho Nam, Ve Don (Noodle soup with well-done flank and skirt flank.)
14. Pho Nam, Gan, Sach (Noodle soup with well-done flank, soft tendon and bible tripe.)
15. Pho Tai, Nam, Gau, Gan, Sach (Noodle soup with eye round steak, well-done flank, fat brisket, soft tendon and bible tripe.)
16. Pho Tai, Chin, Gau, Gan, Sach (Noodle soup with eye round steak, well-done brisket, fat brisket, soft tendon and bible tripe.)
17. Pho Tai, Nam, Gan, Sach (Noodle soup with eye round steak, well-done flank, soft tendon and bible tripe.)
18. Pho Ga (Noodle soup with tasty, natural chicken broth and shredded chicken meat.)
19. Dac biet cho tre em... Pho Tai, Chin, Bo Vien (khong cho hanh) $2.40