A Note to Cowards

In the past year, 800 visits to the Stupid URL Pyramid Scheme have occurred. I'm going to assume that 100 of those were robots. That leaves 700. I'm going to be very generous and assume that only one web surfer in 100 has a web page. Finally, I'm going to assume that one person in six sees fit to visit the Stupid URL Pyramid Scheme twice. So.

We see that 6 people with web pages of their own have visited the Stupid URL Pyramid Scheme. Of these, 3 people decided to join. What I want to know is, why are half the people who have web pages of their own that visit the Stupid URL Pyramid Scheme cowards? So. If you just came from http://flail.com/pyramid.html, and you have a web page of your own, but you don't want to join, please send mail to coward@flail.com and tell me why. Or just send mail with no explanation at all, so I can at least confirm my interpretation of the statistics. Thank you!